• About ME

    Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well



    My name is Jiayi Xu (许 佳祎). I received my Ph.D. degree in engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, in 2023. Since 2024, I have been a Project Researcher in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at The University of Tokyo. My research interests include haptics, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, and robotics.


    You can download my CV in the following versions:

    For more information about my work, you can also visit my Google Scholar profile.

  • CAREER & Education


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    The University of Tokyo

    2024 - present

    Project Researcher in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST)

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    University of Tsukuba

    2023 - 2024

    Postdoctoral Researcher in the Institute of Systems and Information Engineering

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    University of Tsukuba

    2020 - 2023

    Ph.D. in the Graduate School of Science and Technology

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    Osaka University

    2018 - 2020

    M.E. in the Graduate School of Engineering Science

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    Wuhan University of Science and Technology

    2013 - 2017

    B.E. in the College of Computer Science and Technology


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    Deformation Prediction and Optimal Grasping Strategies for Soft Objects

    Recent advances in sensing tech and image recognition empower industrial robots to diversify their applications. With growing complexity in user requirements, demand surges for adaptable, intelligent robots. While past research mainly centered on rigid object grasping, recent trends focus on soft objects. This study focuses on soft objects that are prevalent in both industrial and daily contexts, ranging from sponges and bottles to confectionery and plush toys. The objective is to predict their deformation using machine learning models and then apply these predictions in conjunction with stability calculations from existing models to develop optimal grasping strategies for three-dimensional soft objects.

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    ZeroThermal: Simulating Cold Sensation Without Actual Cooling

    Traditional cold sensation presentation technology induces a sense of coldness by continuously lowering the skin temperature. However, this can lead to user adaptation to the stimulus, making it difficult to perceive new sensory experiences. Furthermore, there are safety concerns associated with excessive cooling, limiting prolonged usage. To address these issues, this study introduces the ZeroThermal technology, which can provide cold sensation feedback with minimal alteration of skin temperature. This innovative approach leverages the human body's natural sensitivity to rapid temperature changes. The technology combines cold air flow and light sources to rapidly switch between rapid cooling and gradual warming stimuli, eliciting a sensation of coldness while maintaining skin temperature fluctuations close to zero.

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    HeatMagic: A High-Responsiveness, Intensity-Adjustable Thermal Feedback System

    Highly responsive and intensity-adjustable feedback technology can provide real-time stimuli that match visual information, creating a highly realistic experience. This technology is applicable in natural human-computer interaction, including virtual reality and remote sensing. Our research focuses on thermal feedback. We introduced the vortex tube effect into haptic devices for the first time, leading to the development of the world's first non-contact cooling method capable of delivering various intensities of cold sensations. Building on this, we designed the world's first non-contact thermal feedback system capable of rapidly conveying both cold and warm sensations. This system is highly responsive and intensity-adjustable, combining our novel cooling method with a heating method based on thermal radiation for non-contact thermal interaction, enabling users to interact with virtual worlds using their bare skin.

  • Research Interests

    Thermal Perception and Interaction Design

    Multi-Sensory Interaction

    Virtual Reality


  • Publications


    • 2023 Future Business Ecolink Conference (China), The 8th Golden Gyro Awards for Best VR/AR Technology Innovation of the Year, 2023
    • 第27回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 学術奨励賞, 2023 [Photo]
    • AsiaHaptics 2022 Tokyo Satellite, Best Demonstration Award BronzeWinner, 2022 [Photo]
    • 筑波大学EDGE-NEXT発展編(第5回), 最優秀賞, 2021 [Photo]
    • トップカンファレンス・アドバンスト・ワークショップ2021, ベストプレゼンテーション賞, 2021 [Photo]
    • ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム, 優秀発表賞, 2020 [Photo]

    Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

    • J. Xu, S. Hasegawa, K. Kiyokawa, N. Ienaga and Y. Kuroda, Integration of Independent Heat Transfer Mechanisms for Non-Contact Cold Sensation Presentation with Low Residual Heat. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 770-784, 2023. doi: 10.1109/toh.2023.3324754  [Author’s version]
    • J. Xu, S. Yoshimoto, N. Ienaga and Y. Kuroda, Intensity-Adjustable Non-Contact Cold Sensation Presentation Based on the Vortex Effect. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 592-602, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TOH.2022.3187759  [Author’s version]

    Peer-Reviewed International Conference Papers

    • J. Xu and Y. Aiyama, Machine Learning-Based Deformation Estimation for Grasping 3D Soft Objects. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Motion Control (AMC), Kyoto, pp. 1-6, 2024. doi: 10.1109/AMC58169.2024.10505694.
    • K. Makino, J. Xu, A. Kaneko, N. Ienaga and Y. Kuroda, Spatially Continuous Non-Contact Cold Sensation Presentation Based on Low-Temperature Airflows. In Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2023, pp. 223-229, 2023. doi: 10.1109/WHC56415.2023.10224498 [Author’s version]
    • J. Xu, Y. Kuroda, S. Yoshimoto and O. Oshiro, Non-contact Cold Thermal Display by Controlling Low-temperature Air Flow Generated with Vortex Tube. In Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2019, pp. 133-138, 2019. doi: 10.1109/WHC.2019.8816089  [Author’s version]

    Lectures and Oral Presentations

    • 張皖瑾, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 教育訓練⽀援のための着座型温冷刺激装置による覚醒度変化に関する研究. 第22回日本VR医学会学術大会,2 pages,2023.
    • 水野 蒼太, 許 佳禕, 長谷川 晶一, 家永 直人, 黒田 嘉宏, 非接触痛み錯覚提示装置の開発. 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 4 pages, 2023.
    • 秋元快成, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 冷気流群を用いた非接触首型冷覚提示デバイス. 第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 3 pages, 2023.
    • 張皖瑾, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 非接触温冷刺激による即時的な温度フィードバック体験. 第198回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「ヒューマンインタフェース・ステップアップキャンプ(SIGMAS-15)」, 2023.(口頭発表のみ)
    • J. Xu, S. Tamaki, K. Makino, S. Yoshimoto, H. Hasegawa, N. Ienaga and Y. Kuroda, HeatMagic: Intensity-adjustable Thermal Feedback System Based on the Vortex Effect and Thermal Radiation for Non-contact Thermal Interaction. In Proceedings of AsiaHaptics 2022, 2 pages, 2022.
    • 許佳禕, 長谷川晶一, 清川清, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 皮膚温度変化をゼロに保ちつつ感覚を生じさせる非接触冷覚提示. 第27回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 3 pages, 2022.
    • 牧野皓陽, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 金子暁子, 黒田 嘉宏, 冷気流群による一体感のある冷空間VRシステムの開発. 第27回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 4 pages, 2022.
    • 玉木聖悟, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 独立温湿度刺激による乾燥湿潤VRシステムの開発. ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム 2022, 5 pages, 2022.
    • 許佳禕, 清川清, 長谷川晶一, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 非接触温冷刺激による即時的な温度フィードバック体験. 第189回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「ヒューマンインタフェース・ステップアップキャンプ(SIGMAS-13)」, 2022.(口頭発表のみ)
    • 玉木聖悟, 許佳禕, 家永直人, 黒田嘉宏, 温湿度の独立制御による蒸し暑さ提示デバイスの開発, 第189回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「ヒューマンインタフェース・ステップアップキャンプ(SIGMAS-13)」, 2022.(口頭発表のみ)
    • 許佳禕, 長谷川晶一, 黒田嘉宏. 不連続的な温度変化による非接触冷覚の連続性に関する評価. 第26回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 3 pages, 2021.
    • 許佳禕, 長谷川晶一, 黒田嘉宏. 非接触温冷刺激の時分割提示手法の開発. ヒューマンインタフェースサイバーコロキウム2020, pp. 314-317, 2020.
    • 許佳禕, 吉元俊輔, 石塚裕己, 池田聖, 黒田嘉宏. 即時的な非接触冷覚を制御するための冷却モデルのパラメータ推定. 第25回バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, Open Virtual Exhibition プログラム C02-(1), 2020.(口頭発表のみ)
    • 許佳禕,黒田嘉宏,吉元俊輔,石塚裕己,池田聖,大城理. 冷気流による温度変化を表す物理モデルの構築. ハプティクス研究委員会第 23 回研究会, pp. 17-20,2019.
    • 許佳禕,黒田嘉宏,吉元俊輔,大城理. 冷気の流速制御による非接触型冷覚提示. 第 63 回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp. 413-417,2019.
    • J. Xu, Y. Kuroda, S. Yoshimoto, H. Ishizuka and O. Oshiro, Creating an Immersive Experience in a Cooling World with a Non-Contact Cold Thermal Display using Vortex Tube. IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) 2019, DM2.04, 2019. (デモ展示)
    • 許佳禕,黒田嘉宏,吉元俊輔,大城理. 非接触冷覚提示のためのボルテックスチューブを用いた冷気生成システム. 第 19 回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門予稿集, pp. 546-548, 2018.


    • 冷覚呈示装置及びシステム, 黒田 嘉宏, キョ カイ, 国内特願2021-091472 (2021), 国際特願PCT/JP2022/021922(2022)
    • 温冷覚呈示装置およびプログラム, 黒田 嘉宏, 牧野 皓陽, キョ カイ, 金子 暁子, 国内特願2022-142263 (2022)

    Research Grants

    • 産業用ロボットの最適なハンドを選択する検索アルゴリズムの開発, 研究员, 2023年度
    • JST次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム 研究奨励奨学生, 2021年度-2022年度
    • 共同研究(東浜工業株式会社, ボルテックスチューブの設計および性能評価に関する研究, 代表:黒田 嘉宏), 研究協力者, 2022年度

    Outside The Academy

    • HeatMagic:「熱」の魔法を使って多様な感覚提示へ, 筑波大学Global Tech EDGE NEXT(次世代アントレプレナー育成事業) 最終発表会, 2021.
    • HeatMagic: the technology of presenting various sensations using the magic of "Heat", Effectuation Conference 2022 Day 1: Symposium on Women in Entrepreneurship Education, 2022.
    • HeatMagic:「熱」の魔法を使って多様な感覚提示へ, Japan Business Model Competition (JBMC), 2022.
    • HeatMagic~VR旅行に新時代を~, 大学ビジコン2022,2022.
  • Language Skills

    Simple Chinese

    Mother tongue


    Great. TOEFL iBT(89/120)


    Great. JLPT level 1

  • Certificate

    Software Design Engineer 

    Qualification Certificate of Computer and Software Technology Proficiency

  • Contact me

    I am seeking research positions involving the haptics, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, and robotics.

    1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573 Japan